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original tv & film

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Production + Post Original TV & Film

we produce, partner, develop, create, collaborate, & distribute award-winning  original content

If there’s an amazing story to tell, we want to tell it. Whether it’s through our own original content in TV, film, and more, or through a collaborative co-production, we love nothing more than dreaming up an exciting new project - and seeing it come to life. Adventure & Thrillers. Compelling Dramas. Engaging documentary series. Regardless of the format and genre, we are passionate about telling stories that connect with people at the most human level, entertain audiences and push filmmaking craft forward.

Currently indevelopment

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Evolve Entertainment partners with other independent film producers, production & entertainment companies, streaming platforms, studios and agencies to achieve maximum success together.


If you’re interested in helping advocate & support independent story telling, we’d love to talk. 

There are so many untold stories the world needs to hear. Evolve Studios® works with corporate & private accredited investment partners to finance original content. Our financing model uses a diversified tiered investment structure and we make unique available terms for our partners. To learn more, contact us below.

Investor Inquiry Investor Inquiry